NE Getty Street Neighbourhood
postal Address : NE Getty Street, Topeka,
Kansas- 66617
State Name : Kansas
County Name: Shawnee
city Name : Topeka
Zip Code: 66617
Congressional District : Kansas 2nd congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

NE Getty Street is a neighbour hood in Topeka city , Shawnee county in Kansas state , United States of America . This street Full name is Northeast Getty Street. NE Getty Street, Topeka Zip Code is 66617

    NE Getty Street is surrounded by NE 58th Street street in North direction , NE Whiteside Drive street in South direction , NE 59th Street street in North direction , NE Pleasant Hills Road street in North direction , Pleasant Hill Road street in North direction , .

    NE Getty Street near by cities are Meriden in 6 Miles distance towards East direction , Grantville in 8 Miles distance towards East direction , Hoyt in 9 Miles distance towards North direction , Tecumseh in 12 Miles distance towards South direction .

How to Reach NE Getty Street

Local Roads
Northwest 60th Street , Northeast Pleasant Hills Road , Northwest Topeka Boulevard , Northwest Rochester Road are the Local roads accessible to NE Getty Street .
Major Roads
US 75 ( 5 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to NE Getty Street .

Bus Stops Near By
Walnut Grove & Kansas ( 4 Miles distance ) , Walnut Grove @ Magnolia ( 4 Miles distance ) , Kansas @ Reo ( 4 Miles distance ) are bus stops reachable to NE Getty Street .

Train Stations Near By
Topeka Station ( 8 Miles distance ) are train stations near to NE Getty Street .
Near by Airports to NE Getty Street
Kansas City International Airport - Kansas City ( 61 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to NE Getty Street.That connects to major airports .

However Buena Terra Airport - Topeka ( 3 Miles distance ) , Blackhawk Airport - Meriden ( 5 Miles distance ) , Mesa Verde Airport - Topeka ( 6 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to NE Getty Street

Seaman Middle School ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 5620 Nw Topeka School District : Seaman

Pleasant Hill Elem ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 5830 North West Topeka Ave School District : Seaman

Seaman High ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 4850 Rochester Rd School District : Seaman

Places reachable to NE Getty Street

Tequilas Mexican Restaurant & Bar ( 4 Miles distance ) , Kickstart Saloon ( 5 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Walmart Supercenter ( 5 Miles distance ) , Walmart Grocery Pickup ( 5 Miles distance ) , Dillons ( 5 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Phillips 66 ( 2 Miles distance ) , BP ( 4 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Core First Bank & Trust ( 4 Miles distance ) , CoreFirst Bank ( 4 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Topeka Gospel Chapel ( 1 Mile distance ) , Northern Hills Baptist Church ( 2 Miles distance ) , Calvary Lutheran Learning Center ( 2 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

NE Getty Street
NE 58th Street
NE Whiteside Drive
NE 59th Street
NE Pleasant Hills Road
Pleasant Hill Road
NE Marple Drive
NE 59th Terrace

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