North Clinton Avenue Neighbourhood
postal Address : North Clinton Avenue, Haysville,
Kansas- 67060
State Name : Kansas
County Name: Sedgwick
city Name : Haysville
Zip Code: 67060
Congressional District : Kansas 4th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

North Clinton Avenue is a neighbour hood in Haysville city , Sedgwick county in Kansas state , United States of America . North Clinton Avenue, Haysville Zip Code is 67060

    North Clinton Avenue is surrounded by West Anita Drive street in west direction , Anita Drive street in East direction , North Slade Avenue street in west direction , Sarah Lane street in South direction , Clinton Avenue street in South direction , .

    North Clinton Avenue near by cities are Derby in 7 Miles distance towards East direction , Peck in 8 Miles distance towards South direction , Wichita in 10 Miles distance towards North direction , Clearwater in 10 Miles distance towards west direction .

How to Reach North Clinton Avenue

Local Roads
West Grand Avenue , South Seneca Street , East Grand Avenue , South Meridian Avenue are the Local roads accessible to North Clinton Avenue .
Major Roads
I 35 ( 2 Miles distance) , I 135 ( 4 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to North Clinton Avenue .

Bus Stops Near By
Broadway and 55th Street ( 3 Miles distance ) , 55th Street and Mead ( 3 Miles distance ) , Broadway and 53rd Street ( 3 Miles distance ) are bus stops reachable to North Clinton Avenue .
Near by Airports to North Clinton Avenue
Wichita Mid Continent Airport - Wichita ( 8 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to North Clinton Avenue.That connects to major airports .

However Westport Auxiliary Airport - Wichita ( 3 Miles distance ) , Selby Farm Airport - Derby ( 4 Miles distance ) , Westport Airport - Wichita ( 7 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to North Clinton Avenue

Haysville Middle School ( less than 1 Miles distance )
address: 900 West Grand School District : Haysville

Learning By Design - Charter School ( less than 1 Miles distance )
address: 150 Stewart School District : Haysville

Nelson Elem ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 245 North Delos School District : Haysville

Places reachable to North Clinton Avenue

Haysville Family MedCenter ( 1 Mile distance ) , Haysville Family Medcenter ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Red's ( 2 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Cashsaver ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Cox Farm Wichita ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Kwik Shop ( 1 Mile distance ) , Casey's General Store ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Community Bank of Haysville ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Community Bank of Wichita Inc ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
West Haysville Baptist Church ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Haysville Church of the Nazarene ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

North Clinton Avenue
West Anita Drive
Anita Drive
North Slade Avenue
Sarah Lane
Clinton Avenue
Hillcrest Avenue
Slade Avenue

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