NE 40th Street Neighbourhood
postal Address : NE 40th Street, Cheney,
Kansas- 67025
State Name : Kansas
County Name: Sedgwick
city Name : Cheney
Zip Code: 67025
Congressional District : Kansas 4th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

NE 40th Street is a neighbour hood in Cheney city , Sedgwick county in Kansas state , United States of America . This street Full name is Northeast 40th Street. NE 40th Street, Cheney Zip Code is 67025

    NE 40th Street is surrounded by NE 50th Street street in North direction , NE 30th Street street in South direction , NE 140 Avenue street in South direction , NE 150 Avenue street in South direction , NE Tumbleweed Lane street in East direction , .

    NE 40th Street near by cities are Murdock in 9 Miles distance towards South direction , Garden Plain in 12 Miles distance towards East direction , Pretty Prairie in 12 Miles distance towards west direction , Andale in 17 Miles distance towards East direction .

How to Reach NE 40th Street

Local Roads
Northeast 150 Avenue , Northeast 20th Street , Northeast 10 Street , West 21st Street North are the Local roads accessible to NE 40th Street .
Major Roads
US 54;US 400 ( 3 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to NE 40th Street .

Train Stations Near By
Hutchinson Station ( 30 Miles distance ) are train stations near to NE 40th Street .
Near by Airports to NE 40th Street
Wichita Mid Continent Airport - Wichita ( 28 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to NE 40th Street.That connects to major airports .

However Mono Aircraft Airport - Cheney ( 2 Miles distance ) , Albers Airport - Cheney ( 7 Miles distance ) , Blocker Field - Haven ( 13 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to NE 40th Street

Cheney High ( 8 Miles distance )
address: 800 North Marshall School District : Cheney

Cheney Middle School 6-8 ( 8 Miles distance )
address: 715 North Main School District : Cheney

Cheney Elem ( 8 Miles distance )
address: 126 West 5th School District : Cheney

Places reachable to NE 40th Street

Strohl Oil Co ( 12 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Citizens Bank of Kansas ( 12 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
United Methodist Church ( 9 Miles distance ) , First Mennonite Church ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

NE 40th Street
NE 50th Street
NE 30th Street
NE 140 Avenue
NE 150 Avenue
NE Tumbleweed Lane
NE Paint Pony Trail
NE Lakeview Drive

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