S Strong Street Neighbourhood
postal Address : S Strong Street, Abbyville,
Kansas- 67510
State Name : Kansas
County Name: Reno
city Name : Abbyville
Zip Code: 67510
Congressional District : Kansas 1st congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

S Strong Street is a neighbour hood in Abbyville city , Reno county in Kansas state , United States of America . This street Full name is South Strong Street. S Strong Street, Abbyville Zip Code is 67510

    S Strong Street is surrounded by E Avenue F street in East direction , Avenue F street in East direction , East Avenue F street in East direction , East Avenue G street in South direction , S Main Street street in west direction , .

    S Strong Street near by cities are Arlington in 6 Miles distance towards South direction , Plevna in 7 Miles distance towards west direction , Partridge in 7 Miles distance towards East direction , Sylvia in 13 Miles distance towards west direction .

How to Reach S Strong Street

Local Roads
West Mills Avenue , West Morgan Avenue , South Sego Road , North Howard Street are the Local roads accessible to S Strong Street .
Major Roads
KS 14;KS 96 ( 15 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to S Strong Street .

Train Stations Near By
Hutchinson Station ( 19 Miles distance ) are train stations near to S Strong Street .
Near by Airports to S Strong Street
Wichita Mid Continent Airport - Wichita ( 57 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to S Strong Street.That connects to major airports .

However Roberts Air Field - Sylvia ( 13 Miles distance ) , Mills Field - South Hutchinson ( 18 Miles distance ) , Sunflower Aerodrome - Hutchinson ( 20 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to S Strong Street

Fairfield East Elementary ( 6 Miles distance )
address: 900 West Main School District : Fairfield

Partridge Elem ( 7 Miles distance )
address: 5 West Ave School District : Haven Public Schools

Pleasantview Academy High School ( 11 Miles distance )
address: 5013 South Dean Rd School District : Haven Public Schools

Fairfield High ( 11 Miles distance )
address: 16115 South Langdon Rd School District : Fairfield

Fairfield Middle ( 11 Miles distance )
address: 16115 South Langdon Rd School District : Fairfield

Places reachable to S Strong Street

Cedar Crest Amish Mennonite Church ( 6 Miles distance ) , Elmaguey ( 8 Miles distance ) , Glenn's Bulk Food Shoppe & Gospel Bookstore ( 12 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
CAIRO COOP ( 6 Miles distance ) , CENTRAL PRAIRIE COOP ( 7 Miles distance ) , Fairview Service Center ( 11 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Citizens State Bank ( 6 Miles distance ) , Umpqua Bank ( 8 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Abbyville Community Church ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Amish Church ( 5 Miles distance ) , Partridge Community Church ( 7 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

S Strong Street
E Avenue F
Avenue F
East Avenue F
East Avenue G
S Main Street
S Ricksecker Street
Avenue G

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