150 Street Neighbourhood
postal Address : 150 Street, Emerson,
Iowa- 51533
State Name : Iowa
County Name: Mills
city Name : Emerson
Zip Code: 51533
Congressional District : Iowa 3rd congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

150 Street is a neighbour hood in Emerson city , Mills county in Iowa state , United States of America . 150 Street, Emerson Zip Code is 51533

    150 Street is surrounded by C Avenue street in North direction , 140th Street street in North direction , D Avenue street in East direction , 140 Street street in North direction , 160th Street street in South direction , .

    150 Street near by cities are Henderson in 8 Miles distance towards west direction , Red Oak in 9 Miles distance towards East direction , Macedonia in 11 Miles distance towards North direction , Hastings in 12 Miles distance towards west direction .

How to Reach 150 Street

Local Roads
C Avenue , 170 Street , Boxelder Avenue , 180th Street are the Local roads accessible to 150 Street .
Major Roads
I 29 ( 31 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to 150 Street .
Near by Airports to 150 Street
Eppley Airfield - Omaha ( 39 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to 150 Street.That connects to major airports .

However Red Oak Municipal Airport - Red Oak ( 8 Miles distance ) , Shields Airport - Red Oak ( 8 Miles distance ) , Volkens Field - Carson ( 17 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to 150 Street

Nishna Valley Elementary School ( 9 Miles distance )
address: 58962 380th St School District : Nishna Valley Comm School District

East Mills Middle School ( 9 Miles distance )
address: 58962 380th St School District : Nishna Valley Comm School District

East Mills High School ( 17 Miles distance )
address: 1505 East 15th St School District : Malvern Comm School District

Places reachable to 150 Street

St. Joseph ( 5 Miles distance ) , Montgomery County Memorial Hospital ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Hy-Vee ( 8 Miles distance ) , Supermercado ( 8 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
E Stop ( 7 Miles distance ) , E-STOP ( 7 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Houghton State Bank ( 7 Miles distance ) , Great Western Bank ( 8 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Oaks Community Church ( 3 Miles distance ) , Stratton Church ( 5 Miles distance ) , Emerson United Methodist Church ( 7 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

150 Street
C Avenue
140th Street
D Avenue
140 Street
160th Street
150th Street
160 Street

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