Y Avenue Neighbourhood
postal Address : Y Avenue, Columbus Junction,
Iowa- 52738
State Name : Iowa
County Name: Louisa
city Name : Columbus Junction
Zip Code: 52738
Congressional District : Iowa 2nd congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

Y Avenue is a neighbour hood in Columbus Junction city , Louisa county in Iowa state , United States of America . Y Avenue, Columbus Junction Zip Code is 52738

    Y Avenue is surrounded by 215th Street street in west direction , Washington Louisa Co Line Road street in west direction , 200th Street street in South direction , Louisa-Washington Road street in South direction , 190th Street street in west direction , .

    Y Avenue near by cities are Conesville in 8 Miles distance towards East direction , Ainsworth in 8 Miles distance towards South direction , Lone Tree in 10 Miles distance towards North direction , Columbus City in 11 Miles distance towards South direction .

How to Reach Y Avenue

Local Roads
County Road X14 , County Road G36 , State Highway 92 , Highway 70 are the Local roads accessible to Y Avenue .
Near by Airports to Y Avenue
The Eastern Iowa Airport - Cedar Rapids ( 45 Miles distance ) , Southeast Iowa Regional Airport - Burlington ( 53 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Y Avenue.That connects to major airports .

However Washington Municipal Airport - Washington ( 15 Miles distance ) , Port Paradise Farms Airport - Winfield ( 17 Miles distance ) , Muscatine Municipal Airport - Muscatine ( 20 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to Y Avenue

Columbus Community High School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1004 Colton St School District : Columbus Comm School District

Columbus Community Junior High School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1004 Colton St School District : Columbus Comm School District

Roundy Elementary School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1212 Colton St School District : Columbus Comm School District

Places reachable to Y Avenue

Genesis Hospital ( 8 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Stouts Market ( 6 Miles distance ) , Rey De Reyes ( 10 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Graves Oil LLC ( 6 Miles distance ) , Ainsworth 4 Corners Fuel ( 7 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Washington State Bank ( 10 Miles distance ) , Community Bank ( 10 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Salem Church ( 2 Miles distance ) , Cotter Church ( 7 Miles distance ) , Victory Christian Center ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

Y Avenue
215th Street
Washington Louisa Co Line Road
200th Street
Louisa-Washington Road
190th Street
County Road G26
Gladwin Street

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