153rd Avenue is a neighbour hood in Cincinnati city , Appanoose county in Iowa state , United States of America . 153rd Avenue, Cincinnati Zip Code is 52549
153rd Avenue is surrounded by 153th Avenue street in South direction , 155th Avenue street in South direction , 584th Street street in East direction , 580th Street street in East direction , 600th Street street in South direction , .
153rd Avenue near by cities are Seymour in 9 Miles distance towards west direction , Exline in 9 Miles distance towards East direction , Plano in 11 Miles distance towards North direction , Centerville in 11 Miles distance towards North direction .
How to Reach 153rd Avenue
Local Roads
549th Street , 600th Street , 150th Avenue , 141st Avenue are the Local roads accessible to 153rd Avenue .Near by Airports to 153rd Avenue
Kirksville Regional Airport - Kirksville ( 53 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to 153rd Avenue.That connects to major airports .However Centerville Municipal Airport - Centerville ( 7 Miles distance ) , Unionville Municipal Airport - Unionville ( 8 Miles distance ) , Corydon Airport - Corydon ( 19 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near to 153rd Avenue
Cincinnati Elementary School ( 4 Miles distance )address: 105 Alpine St School District : Centerville Comm School District
Appanoose County Alternative High School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 400 East Green St School District : Centerville Comm School District
Lakeview Elementary 4-5-6 School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1800 South 11th St School District : Centerville Comm School District
Places reachable to 153rd Avenue
Bylers Country Lane Store ( 9 Miles distance ) , Walmart Supercenter ( 10 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Konvenience Korner ( 4 Miles distance ) , Casey's General Store ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Farmers Bank-Northern Missouri ( 11 Miles distance ) , Bradley Bancorp Inc ( 11 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Faith United Parish ( 4 Miles distance ) , East Pleasant Church of Christ ( 4 Miles distance ) , Saint Marys Catholic Church ( 11 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.