Vail Avenue Neighbourhood
postal Address : Vail Avenue, Harvey,
Illinois- 60426
State Name : Illinois
County Name: Cook
city Name : Harvey
Zip Code: 60426
Congressional District : Illinois 2nd congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

Vail Avenue is a neighbour hood in Harvey city , Cook county in Illinois state , United States of America . Vail Avenue, Harvey Zip Code is 60426

    Vail Avenue is surrounded by W 148th Place street in South direction , Cooper Avenue street in East direction , W 149th Street street in South direction , Joliet Street street in North direction , 147th Street street in west direction , .

    Vail Avenue near by cities are Posen in 1 Mile distance towards west direction , Markham in 2 Miles distance towards South direction , Robbins in 3 Miles distance towards west direction , Blue Island in 3 Miles distance towards North direction .

How to Reach Vail Avenue

Local Roads
West 147th Street , Western Avenue , Alley , Wood Street are the Local roads accessible to Vail Avenue .
Major Roads
I 57 ( 1 Mile distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to Vail Avenue .

Bus Stops Near By
Wood / 150th ( 1 Mile distance ) , Wood 154th ( 1 Mile distance ) , Loomis/147th ( 1 Mile distance ) are bus stops reachable to Vail Avenue .

Train Stations Near By
Harvey ( 2 Miles distance ) , Robbins ( 2 Miles distance ) , 147th St. ( 2 Miles distance ) are train stations near to Vail Avenue .

Bus Stops Near By
Vermont & Halsted ( 4 Miles distance ) , 127th Street & Halsted ( 4 Miles distance ) , Halsted & 127th Street ( 4 Miles distance ) , Vermont & Union ( 4 Miles distance ) , 127th Street & Emerald ( 4 Miles distance ) , Lowe & 127th Street ( 4 Miles distance ) , Halsted & 126th Street ( 4 Miles distance ) , Halsted & 126th Street ( 4 Miles distance ) are bus stops near to Vail Avenue .

Public Transport Reachable
108 Route - Halsted/95th Chicago Transit Authority Bus stops at Vermont & Halsted ( 4 Miles )
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are Routes near to Vail Avenue .
Near by Airports to Vail Avenue
Chicago Midway International Airport - Chicago ( 15 Miles distance ) , Chicago O'Hare International Airport - Chicago ( 33 Miles distance ) , Ravenswood Airport - Chicago ( 36 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Vail Avenue.That connects to major airports .

However Lansing Municipal Airport - Chicago ( 11 Miles distance ) , Frankfort Airport - Frankfort ( 16 Miles distance ) , Gary Chicago International Airport - Gary ( 16 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to Vail Avenue

Martin L King Elem School ( less than 1 Miles distance )
address: 14600 Seeley Ave School District : W Harvey-dixmoor Psd 147

Rosa L Parks Middle School ( less than 1 Miles distance )
address: 14700 South Robey St School District : W Harvey-dixmoor Psd 147

Washington Elem School ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 15248 South Lincoln Ave School District : W Harvey-dixmoor Psd 147

Posen Elem School ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 14545 California Ave School District : Posen-robbins Esd 143-5

Thornton Township High School ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 15001 Broadway School District : Thornton Twp Hsd 205

Places reachable to Vail Avenue

ingalls health care ( 1 Mile distance ) , Fresenius Medical Care at Ingalls Memorial Hospital ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Alpha Gyros ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Cafeteria Y Neveria ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
E & S Food & Liquor ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Harvey Fresh Market ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Marathon Gas ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Market Place Express ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , St Mark Missionary Baptist Church ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

Vail Avenue
W 148th Place
Cooper Avenue
W 149th Street
Joliet Street
147th Street
Oakley Street
W Sibley Boulevard

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