Brickyard is a neighbour hood in Golden Eagle city , Calhoun county in Illinois state , United States of America . Brickyard, Golden Eagle Zip Code is 62036
Brickyard is surrounded by Riverview Drive street in East direction , Quarry Court street in East direction , Winneberg Road street in North direction , Quarry street in East direction , Deer Trail street in East direction , .
Brickyard near by cities are Brussels in 6 Miles distance towards North direction , Grafton in 14 Miles distance towards East direction , Batchtown in 14 Miles distance towards North direction , Elsah in 17 Miles distance towards East direction .
How to Reach Brickyard
Local Roads
Ferry Road , Two Story Hill , Mississippi River Road , Herter Lane are the Local roads accessible to Brickyard .Near by Airports to Brickyard
Lambert St Louis International Airport - St Louis ( 18 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Brickyard.That connects to major airports .However Waldmeister Farm Airport - St Peters ( 4 Miles distance ) , Sontimer Airport - St. Peters ( 6 Miles distance ) , St Charles Airport - St Charles ( 6 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near to Brickyard
Brussels High School ( 6 Miles distance )address: 128 School St School District : Brussels Cusd 42
Brussels Grade School ( 6 Miles distance )
address: 128 School St School District : Brussels Cusd 42
Places reachable to Brickyard
Brussels Red & White ( 6 Miles distance ) , Uncle Andy's Country Market ( 13 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
GRAFTON BP ( 12 Miles distance ) , Rowling Service ( 12 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Bank of Calhoun County ( 6 Miles distance ) , Bank of Kampsville ( 6 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
St Matthews Lutheran Church ( 6 Miles distance ) , St Patricks Church ( 12 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.