Shady Lane Neighbourhood
postal Address : Shady Lane, Freeburg,
Illinois- 62243
State Name : Illinois
County Name: Saint Clair
city Name : Freeburg
Zip Code: 62243
Congressional District : Illinois 12th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

Shady Lane is a neighbour hood in Freeburg city , Saint Clair county in Illinois state , United States of America . Shady Lane, Freeburg Zip Code is 62243

    Shady Lane is surrounded by Jacobs Lane street in west direction , Wounded Knee Trail street in South direction , Old Fayetteville Road street in west direction , Dovetail Road street in South direction , Tritt Lane street in west direction , .

    Shady Lane near by cities are Smithton in 7 Miles distance towards west direction , New Athens in 8 Miles distance towards South direction , Mascoutah in 10 Miles distance towards North direction , Belleville in 10 Miles distance towards North direction .

How to Reach Shady Lane

Local Roads
Urbanna Drive , S State St , South State Street , North State Street are the Local roads accessible to Shady Lane .
Major Roads
I 64 ( 12 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to Shady Lane .

Train Stations Near By
College Station ( 9 Miles distance ) , Shiloh-Scott ( 10 Miles distance ) , Belleville Station ( 10 Miles distance ) are train stations near to Shady Lane .
Near by Airports to Shady Lane
Lambert St Louis International Airport - St Louis ( 42 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Shady Lane.That connects to major airports .

However Harold Emmerich Airport - Belleville ( 9 Miles distance ) , Lindauer Airport - New Athens ( 10 Miles distance ) , Bickel Airport - New Athens ( 10 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Places reachable to Shady Lane

NRI - Neuro Rehab Freeburg ( 2 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Tom's Supermarket ( 2 Miles distance ) , Tom's Supermarket ( 7 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Moto Mart ( 1 Mile distance ) , Blr Investments ( 2 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
First National Bank of Waterloo ( 1 Mile distance ) , Citizens Community Bank ( 2 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Faith Baptist Church ( 2 Miles distance ) , St Joseph's Church ( 2 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

Shady Lane
Jacobs Lane
Wounded Knee Trail
Old Fayetteville Road
Dovetail Road
Tritt Lane
Wingmead Drive
Oak Thorn Drive

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