E 2425 N Road Neighbourhood
postal Address : E 2425 N Road, Cornell,
Illinois- 61319
State Name : Illinois
County Name: Livingston
city Name : Cornell
Zip Code: 61319
Congressional District : Illinois 16th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

E 2425 N Road is a neighbour hood in Cornell city , Livingston county in Illinois state , United States of America . This street Full name is West 2425 North Road. E 2425 N Road, Cornell Zip Code is 61319

    E 2425 N Road is surrounded by East 2425 N Road street in East direction , East 2400 N Road street in west direction , E 2500 N Road street in North direction , Short Street street in west direction , N 1050 E Road street in west direction , .

    E 2425 N Road near by cities are Pontiac in 9 Miles distance towards South direction , Blackstone in 9 Miles distance towards North direction , Graymont in 9 Miles distance towards South direction , Ancona in 11 Miles distance towards west direction .

How to Reach E 2425 N Road

Local Roads
East 2500 N Road , Manville Road , East 2600 N Road , East 2550 N Road are the Local roads accessible to E 2425 N Road .
Major Roads
I 55 ( 7 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to E 2425 N Road .

Train Stations Near By
Pontiac Station ( 10 Miles distance ) , Dwight Amtrak ( 20 Miles distance ) , Dwight Station ( 20 Miles distance ) are train stations near to E 2425 N Road .
Near by Airports to E 2425 N Road
Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal - Bloomington/Normal ( 43 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to E 2425 N Road.That connects to major airports .

However Adams Restricted Landing Area Number 1 - Pontiac ( 4 Miles distance ) , Adams Restricted Landing Area Number 2 - Pontiac ( 4 Miles distance ) , Antique Aerodrome - Cornell ( 4 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Schools near to E 2425 N Road

Cornell Elem School ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 300 North 7th St School District : Cornell Ccsd 426

Livingston County Academy ( 9 Miles distance )
address: 920 Custer School District : Livingston Co Spec Services Unit

Woodland High School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 5800 East 3000 North Rd School District : Woodland Cusd 5

Livingston Area Career Cntr ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1100 East Indiana Ave School District : Livingston Area Career Cntr

Livingston Co Crossroads Academy ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 1305 Indiana Ave School District : Livingston Co Spec Services Unit

Pontiac Jr High School ( 10 Miles distance )
address: 600 Morrow St School District : Pontiac Ccsd 429

Places reachable to E 2425 N Road

OSF PromptCare: OSF Saint James ( 9 Miles distance ) , OSF Saint James - John W. Albrecht Medical Center ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.
La Mex ( 9 Miles distance ) , LILI MAE'S GAMING PARLOR ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Casey's General Store ( 1 Mile distance ) , Meijer Oil Services Inc ( 9 Miles distance ) , Mobil Gas Station ( 9 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
State Bank of Graymont ( 9 Miles distance ) , State Bank of Graymont ( 9 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Cornell Baptist Church ( 1 Mile distance ) , Community Lutheran Church ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

E 2425 N Road
East 2425 N Road
East 2400 N Road
E 2500 N Road
Short Street
N 1050 E Road
8th Street
Angle Street

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