E Park Neighbourhood
postal Address : E Park, Clinton,
Illinois- 61727
State Name : Illinois
County Name: DeWitt
city Name : Clinton
Zip Code: 61727
Congressional District : Illinois 13th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST

E Park is a neighbour hood in Clinton city , DeWitt county in Illinois state , United States of America . This street Full name is West Parks. E Park, Clinton Zip Code is 61727

    E Park is surrounded by SE Park street in North direction , SE Park Street street in North direction , Southeast Park Street street in South direction , S East Park Street street in East direction , SW Park Street street in west direction , .

    E Park near by cities are Wapella in 7 Miles distance towards North direction , Lane in 7 Miles distance towards East direction , Maroa in 9 Miles distance towards South direction , Kenney in 9 Miles distance towards west direction .

How to Reach E Park

Local Roads
West Van Buren Street , North Grant Street , Clinton Plaza , Hillcrest are the Local roads accessible to E Park .
Major Roads
I 74 ( 21 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to E Park .
Near by Airports to E Park
Decatur Airport - Decatur ( 27 Miles distance ) , Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal - Bloomington/Normal ( 27 Miles distance ) , University of Illinois Willard Airport - Champaign/Urbana ( 45 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to E Park.That connects to major airports .

However John Scharff Airport - Clinton ( 5 Miles distance ) , Thorp Airport - Wapella ( 7 Miles distance ) , Hooterville Airport - Clinton ( 8 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.

Places reachable to E Park

Springfield Clinic at Dr. John Warner Hospital Outpatient Clinic ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Dr John Warner Hospital ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.
Hardee's ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , The Shack Restaurant ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Walmart ( 1 Mile distance ) , Candle Hill Farms Gen Store ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Mobil Station ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Mobil ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
First National Bank & Trust Co ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , DeWitt Savings Bank ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , State Bank of Lincoln ( 1 Mile distance ) are Banks Near by .
Christ Lutheran Preschool ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Christ Lutheran Church ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.

Explore Near By streets

E Park
SE Park
SE Park Street
Southeast Park Street
S East Park Street
SW Park Street
Southwest Park Street
W South Street

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