postal Address :
Given Street, Folsom,
California- 95630
State Name : California
County Name: Sacramento
city Name : Folsom
Zip Code: 95630
Congressional District : California 7th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST
California- 95630
State Name : California
County Name: Sacramento
city Name : Folsom
Zip Code: 95630
Congressional District : California 7th congressional district.
Time Zone: EST
Given Street is a neighbour hood in Folsom city , Sacramento county in California state , United States of America . Given Street, Folsom Zip Code is 95630
Given Street is surrounded by Ferrier Way street in East direction , Nesbitt Court street in South direction , Moore Way street in North direction , Honey Cook Circle street in South direction , Webb Way street in North direction , .
Given Street near by cities are Orangevale in 4 Miles distance towards west direction , Fair Oaks in 6 Miles distance towards west direction , Granite Bay in 8 Miles distance towards North direction , El Dorado Hills in 8 Miles distance towards East direction .
How to Reach Given Street
Local Roads
Glenn Drive , Steeplechase Trail , Riley Street , Sibley Street are the Local roads accessible to Given Street .Major Roads
US 50 ( 2 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to Given Street .Bus Stops Near By
Glenn Drive & Sibley St (EB) ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Glenn Drive & Sibley Street (WB) ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Riley St & Walmart Shopping Center (SB) ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are bus stops reachable to Given Street .Train Stations Near By
Sacramento Station ( 23 Miles distance ) , Central Pacific Railroad Freight Depot ( 23 Miles distance ) are train stations near to Given Street .Near by Airports to Given Street
Sacramento International Airport - Sacramento ( 28 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Given Street.That connects to major airports .However Cameron Airpark - Cameron Park ( 12 Miles distance ) , Sacramento Mather Airport - Sacramento ( 12 Miles distance ) , Mc Clellan Airfield - Sacramento ( 15 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near to Given Street
Folsom Lake High ( 1 Mile distance )address: 955 Riley St School District : Folsom-cordova Unified
Sandra J. Gallardo Elementary ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 775 Russi Rd School District : Folsom-cordova Unified
Sutter Middle ( 1 Mile distance )
address: 715 Riley St School District : Folsom-cordova Unified
Places reachable to Given Street
Mary Ann Simpson NP ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Hospitals.Midori Sushi ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Subway ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , T2 Yan Chinese Cuisine ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Walmart Supercenter ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , 99 Cents Only Stores ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Chevron ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , VALERO ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Chase Bank ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , ATM Walgreens Store 6417 ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
World Harvest Church ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , River Rock Church ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.