Miguel Negrete is a neighbour hood in Calexico city , Imperial county in California state , United States of America . Miguel Negrete, Calexico Zip Code is 92231
Miguel Negrete is surrounded by Mariano Arista street in west direction , Calle G street in North direction , Calle L street in East direction , Calle H street in South direction , Camino del Rio street in west direction , .
Miguel Negrete near by cities are Heber in 7 Miles distance towards North direction , El Centro in 12 Miles distance towards North direction , Holtville in 14 Miles distance towards North direction , Imperial in 17 Miles distance towards North direction .
How to Reach Miguel Negrete
Local Roads
Calz. Ignacio Zaragoza , Av. Reforma , Calle East , Calz. Justo Sierra are the Local roads accessible to Miguel Negrete .Major Roads
I 8 ( 10 Miles distance) is Inter state Route / High way accessible to Miguel Negrete .Bus Stops Near By
los angeles ca greyhound sta ( 2 Miles distance ) , Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos ( 2 Miles distance ) , TRANSPORTES MIGUEL SIGA Plus ( 2 Miles distance ) are bus stops reachable to Miguel Negrete .Near by Airports to Miguel Negrete
Yuma MCAS/Yuma International Airport - Yuma ( 60 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to Miguel Negrete.That connects to major airports .However Calexico International Airport - Calexico ( 4 Miles distance ) , Johnson Brothers Airport - Calexico ( 7 Miles distance ) , Douthitt Strip - El Centro ( 12 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near to Miguel Negrete
Enrique Camarena Jr. High ( 1 Mile distance )address: 800 East Rivera Ave School District : Calexico Unified
Jefferson Elementary ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 1120 East Seventh St School District : Calexico Unified
Dool Elementary ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 800 Encinas Ave School District : Calexico Unified
De Anza Junior High ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 824 Blair Ave School District : Calexico Unified
Calexico High ( 2 Miles distance )
address: 1030 Encinas Ave School District : Calexico Unified
Places reachable to Miguel Negrete
IMSS Clínica 31 ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , IMSS Hospital 30 ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Hospitals.SUPER SANDWICHES ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Cenaduría Selecta ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Restaurents.
Congo ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , RicoLife Mexicali ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Calimax Zaragoza ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Groceries and Super Markets.
Grupo García Montaño ( 1 Mile distance ) , Estaciones Galaxy ( 1 Mile distance ) are near by Gas Stations .
Afore Banorte ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , Banco Santander ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are Banks Near by .
Tribunal Ecleciastico de Mexicali ( less than 1 Miles distance ) , A R Diocesis De Mexicali ( less than 1 Miles distance ) are near by Churches.