D is a neighbour hood in Lukeville city , Pima county in Arizona state , United States of America . D, Lukeville Zip Code is 85341
D is surrounded by E street in North direction , F street in North direction , 5 street in west direction , 6 street in North direction , G street in west direction , .
D near by cities are .
How to Reach D
Local Roads
11 , Bulevar Benemérito de las Américas , North Ajo Sonoita Highway , Puerto Blanco Drive are the Local roads accessible to D .Near by Airports to D
Tucson International Airport - Tucson ( 134 Miles distance ) is the Commercial airport near to D.That connects to major airports .However Eric Marcus Municipal Airport - Ajo ( 48 Miles distance ) , Sells Airport - Sells ( 66 Miles distance ) , Gila Bend Af Aux Airport - Gila Bend ( 84 Miles distance ) are the Non commercial airports near to this place.