Windsor Heights is a City in Polk county , Iowa state of United States of America.
Windsor Heights near by cities are
Windsor Heights
less than 1 Miles
towards North direction,
5 Miles
towards west direction,
West Des Moines
5 Miles
towards South direction,
5 Miles
towards west direction,
6 Miles
towards North direction,
Windsor Heights City, Polk County is surrounded by
Polk County
11 Miles
towards East direction,
Dallas County
21 Miles
towards west direction,
Warren County
24 Miles
towards South direction,
Madison County
29 Miles
towards South direction,
Boone County
39 Miles
towards North direction,
How to Reach Windsor Heights
Local Roads
70th Street ,
University Avenue ,
73rd Street ,
63rd Street ,
are the Local roads accessible to Windsor Heights .
Major Roads
I 235
(1 Mile distance) ,
are Inter state Routes and High ways accessible to Windsor Heights .
Windsor Heights City Bus Routes , Rail Routes and Time Schedules.
Near Airports Windsor Heights
Des Moines International Airport - Des Moines
7 Miles
is the Commercial airport near to .That connects to major airports .
Morningstar Field - Des Moines
6 Miles
) ,
Day Field - Grimes
7 Miles
) ,
Robel Field - Grimes
8 Miles
) ,
are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near by
Cowles Elementary School
1 Mile
address: 6401 College Ave
School District :Des Moines Independent Comm School District
Clive Elementary
1 Mile
address: 1600 73rd St
School District :West Des Moines Comm School District
Walnut Creek Campus
2 Miles
address: 815 8th St
School District :West Des Moines Comm School District
Indian Hills Junior High School
2 Miles
address: 9401 Indian Hills Dr
School District :West Des Moines Comm School District