German Valley is a City in Stephenson county , Illinois state of United States of America.
German Valley near by cities are
German Valley
less than 1 Miles
towards North direction,
7 Miles
towards west direction,
7 Miles
towards North direction,
Leaf River
8 Miles
towards South direction,
8 Miles
towards East direction,
German Valley City, Stephenson County is surrounded by
Stephenson County
16 Miles
towards North direction,
Ogle County
17 Miles
towards South direction,
Winnebago County
22 Miles
towards East direction,
Carroll County
30 Miles
towards west direction,
Lee County
40 Miles
towards South direction,
How to Reach German Valley
Local Roads
South Rock City Road ,
East Lamm Road ,
East Kelley Road ,
South Springfield Road ,
are the Local roads accessible to German Valley .
Major Roads
US 20
(6 Miles distance) ,
are Inter state Routes and High ways accessible to German Valley .
German Valley City Bus Routes , Rail Routes and Time Schedules.
Near Airports German Valley
Chicago Rockford International Airport - Chicago/Rockford
24 Miles
is the Commercial airport near to .That connects to major airports .
Rummel Restricted Landing Area - German Valley
4 Miles
) ,
Albertus Airport - Freeport
7 Miles
) ,
Rock Cut Farms Airport - Leaf River
8 Miles
) ,
are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near by
Center Elem School
10 Miles
address: 718 East Illinois St
School District :Freeport Sd 145
Esl/ell Preschool
10 Miles
address: 511 South Liberty Ave
School District :Freeport Sd 145
Freeport Jr High School
11 Miles
address: 701 West Empire St
School District :Freeport Sd 145
Freeport High School
11 Miles
address: 701 West Moseley St
School District :Freeport Sd 145