Bonners Ferry is a City in Boundary county , Idaho state of United States of America.
Bonners Ferry near by cities are
Bonners Ferry
less than 1 Miles
towards North direction,
Moyie Springs
7 Miles
towards East direction,
10 Miles
towards South direction,
27 Miles
towards North direction,
Bonners Ferry City, Boundary County is surrounded by
Boundary County
13 Miles
towards west direction,
Bonner County
35 Miles
towards South direction,
Kootenai County
87 Miles
towards South direction,
Shoshone County
114 Miles
towards South direction,
Benewah County
123 Miles
towards South direction,
How to Reach Bonners Ferry
Local Roads
South Main Street ,
Golden Street ,
Main Street ,
Hillside Alley ,
are the Local roads accessible to Bonners Ferry .
Bonners Ferry City Bus Routes , Rail Routes and Time Schedules.
Near Airports Bonners Ferry
Spokane International Airport - Spokane
112 Miles
is the Commercial airport near to .That connects to major airports .
Boundary County Airport - Bonners Ferry
3 Miles
) ,
Eckhart International Airport - Porthill
27 Miles
) ,
Seven Shamrock Airport - Sandpoint
28 Miles
) ,
are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near by
Riverside High School Alt
less than 1 Miles
address: 7128 Kootenai St
School District :Boundary County District
Boundary County Middle School
less than 1 Miles
address: 6577 Main St 100
School District :Boundary County District
Valley View Elementary School
1 Mile
address: 6750 Augusta St
School District :Boundary County District