Lemon Cove is a City in Tulare county , California state of United States of America.
Lemon Cove near by cities are
Lemon Cove
less than 1 Miles
towards North direction,
5 Miles
towards west direction,
10 Miles
towards west direction,
Three Rivers
11 Miles
towards East direction,
11 Miles
towards East direction,
Lemon Cove City, Tulare County is surrounded by
Tulare County
21 Miles
towards East direction,
Fresno County
52 Miles
towards west direction,
Kings County
58 Miles
towards west direction,
Madera County
84 Miles
towards North direction,
Kern County
88 Miles
towards South direction,
How to Reach Lemon Cove
Local Roads
Avenue 324 ,
Sierra Drive ,
Road 236 ,
Moffet Drive ,
are the Local roads accessible to Lemon Cove .
Major Roads
CA 198
(12 Miles distance) ,
are Inter state Routes and High ways accessible to Lemon Cove .
Lemon Cove City Bus Routes , Rail Routes and Time Schedules.
Near Airports Lemon Cove
Fresno Yosemite International Airport - Fresno
56 Miles
is the Commercial airport near to .That connects to major airports .
Woodlake Airport - Woodlake
5 Miles
) ,
Exeter Airport - Exeter
14 Miles
) ,
Eckert Field - Strathmore
18 Miles
) ,
are the Non commercial airports near to this place.
Schools near by
Sequoia Elementary
less than 1 Miles
address: 23958 Ave 324
School District :Sequoia Union Elementary
Castle Rock Elementary
5 Miles
address: 360 North Castle Rock St
School District :Woodlake Union Elementary
Woodlake Valley Middle
6 Miles
address: 497 North Palm St
School District :Woodlake Union Elementary
Woodlake High
6 Miles
address: 400 West Whitney Ave
School District :Woodlake Union High