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8TH ST & SHIPLEY ST Bus Routes , Time Table and live Times
8TH ST & SHIPLEY ST is a Bus Stop of Dart First State Transport Agency in Florida State, Homestead cityName
Delaware - Dart First State All Routes.
8TH ST & SHIPLEY ST is surrounded by
Southwest 424th Street
Canal 111 East
SW 232nd Avenue
Royal Palm
SW 400th Street
SW 224th Avenue
Southwest 399th Street
Southwest 216th Avenue
List of bus Routes stops at 8TH ST & SHIPLEY ST
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Zenith - Rosegate - Rodney Square - Opportunity Center - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Zenith - Rosegate - Rodney Square - Opportunity Center - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Dept of Corrections - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith - Dept of Corrections - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Zenith - Rosegate - Rodney Square - Opportunity Center - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Zenith - Rosegate - Rodney Square - Opportunity Center - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Rosegate - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Rosegate - Rodney Sq - Lea Blvd - Fox Valley
Christiana Mall-Newark / 33 Fairplay Sta - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Christiana Mall-Newark / 33 Fairplay Sta - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Chris. Mall-Rodney Square
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Chris. Mall-Rodney Square
Chestnut Hill Road Express / 39 Express to - Wilmington - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Chestnut Hill Road Express / 39 Express to - Wilmington - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
8th Street/9th Street / 8 8th St-St. Francis Hosp
8th Street/9th Street / 8 8th St-St. Francis Hosp
Old Baltimore Pike / 55 Marrows Road - Old Balt. Pike - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Old Baltimore Pike / 55 Marrows Road - Old Balt. Pike - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
US 40 Peoples Plaza / 40 Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Chestnut Hill Road Express / 39 Express - Orange Street - ChestnutHill Rd. - Newark
Chestnut Hill Road Express / 39 Express - Orange Street - ChestnutHill Rd. - Newark
Christiana Mall/Wilton / 54 Governors Square - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Christiana Mall/Wilton / 54 Governors Square - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith-Dept of Correctioins-Rodney Sq-Lea Blvd- Fox Valley
Wilmington/Rte 9 / 14 Dunleith-Dept of Correctioins-Rodney Sq-Lea Blvd- Fox Valley
Christiana Mall-Newark / 33 Fairplay Sta - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
Christiana Mall-Newark / 33 Fairplay Sta - Christiana Mall - Amtrak Sta - Orange Street
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