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Taft - Bakersfield / Taft Trip Stops , Route and Time Table
1162 - Taft - Bakersfield Route All Trips
California - Kern Transit All Routes.
Taft - Bakersfield route starts at Get Downtown Transit Center and ends at Taft Transit Center .it starts from Get Downtown Transit Center at 04:25:00 and ends at Taft Transit Center at . Total Stops for this route are 12
1 )
Get Downtown Transit Center
04:25:00 and more
04:25:00 and more
1 )
Get Downtown Transit Center
04:25:00 and more
04:25:00 and more
2 )
Valley Acres (west)
and more
and more
2 )
Valley Acres (west)
and more
and more
3 )
Jefferson School
05:15:00 and more
05:15:00 and more
3 )
Jefferson School
05:15:00 and more
05:15:00 and more
4 )
Taft College
05:18:00 and more
05:18:00 and more
4 )
Taft College
05:18:00 and more
05:18:00 and more
5 )
8th St. At North St. (heritage Park Senior Complex)
05:22:00 and more
05:22:00 and more
5 )
8th St. At North St. (heritage Park Senior Complex)
05:22:00 and more
05:22:00 and more
6 )
Taft Transit Center
05:25:00 and more
05:25:00 and more
6 )
Taft Transit Center
05:25:00 and more
05:25:00 and more
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