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San Joaquin
Lodi California Bus Routes and Schedules
180-13092 Route - Metro Local Line
Metro - Los Angeles stops at Mariposa / El Molino ( )
TripS :
- Hollywood / Vine Station to Altadena / Lake .
- Colorado / Mentor to Altadena / Lake .
2493 Route - Ucla-va Medical Center-palms
Big Blue Bus stops at Palms Eb & Glendon Fs ( )
TripS :
Culver City Station- VA HOSPITAL EB & BONSALL FS to ROBERTSON BL NB & VENICE BL NS (Culver City Station) .
Culver City Station- CHARLES E YOUNG TERM to ROBERTSON BL NB & VENICE BL NS (Culver City Station) .
Culver City Station- UCLA HILGARD TERMINAL to ROBERTSON BL NB & VENICE BL NS (Culver City Station) .
78-13092 Route - Metro Local Line
Metro - Los Angeles stops at Las Tunas / San Gabriel ( )
TripS :
- Terminal 28 - East Lot to Myrtle / Longden .
- Terminal 28 - East Lot to Myrtle / Longden .
- Terminal 28 - East Lot to Las Tunas / Live Oak .
- Olive / 7th to Las Tunas / Live Oak .
- Olive / 7th to Myrtle / Longden .
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